Cities in Canada and Australia are the most liveable in the world

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    • den Bericht hatten wir gestern auch irgenwo aufgeschnappt. Normalerweise schneiden skandinavische Laender oder Staedte beim Thema "Lebenswert" immer ganz vorne mit ab. Erstaunlicherweise kam nur Helsinki unter die Top 10!

      Aus Deutschland waren Hamburg (14.), Frankfurt (19.) und Berlin (22.) in der Auswertung am Weitesten vorne gelegen.
    • Ob zu "lebenswerter city" auch zählt, ob man es sich überhaupt erlauben kann, dort zu leben?
      Meine Freundin lebt seit 3 Jahren in Vancouver in einer "Hundehütte", da mehr finanziell nicht drin ist. Die Stadt zählt zu den teuersten Städten der Welt.
    • I don´t understand WHY Vienna is on 2nd place.

      In my opinion Vienna is NOT one of the liveablest citys in the world.
      I live in Vienna.


      Nothing is for eternity,only true love lasts forever.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von aphirlar ()

    • Glaube nur der Studie, die du selber gefälscht hast :)

      Ich werde euch dann meine eigene Studie anbieten, wenn ich länger dort lebe. Ein Spezialgebiet für einen leidenschaftlichen Stadtsoziologen =) =)
    • RE: Cities in Canada and Australia are the most liveable in the world

      Sydney is an expensive and unfriendly shithole - An overrated city that's off it's face on ecstasy every weekend. Full of posers and self-centered, materialistic wankers. Totally unreliable and insufficient public transport. Massive traffic jams. Full of heroin addicts and street crime. Extensive criminal underground and corrupt police. Divided up into ghettoes of different nationalities.

      BOOOOOOOOOO SYDNEY! Get it off the list!

      (As you might have guessed, I don't like Sydney :P )

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Bunyip Bluegum ()

    • I agree - look at how expensive they all are - Zürich, Sydney, Helsinki, etc.

      In Tübingen, BW everyone complains how expensive it is.. but in Sydney I was paying €370 per month just for a room in a share flat in a dangerous suburb!

      You can rent a flat for yourself in the Tübingen Innenstadt for the same price.
    • "Each city is assigned a score for over 30 qualitative and quantitative factors across five broad categories: stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure."

      Notice how affordability isn't even considered a factor.. most readers of 'The Economist' probably aren't struggling too much..
    • but blossom from yourselfe we where told that canberra does not have good clubs and bars for pasttime so people have to drive all the way to melbourne or sydney.

      how good is a city if there is no way you can enjoy a beer or two.

      and isnt canberra in th emiddle of nowhere?

      it does not have a beach which every decent Australien city does have.
    • What does age have to do with clubbing?
      Do you think that having fun in a club from age 30 on should be against the law?

      Knitting and chess for all over 35 is compulsory ???????

      :D Google und beantworten 85% aller Fragen und die restlichen 15% - und als Motivationshilfe - das beste Forum der Welt :D

      When life gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then sit back and watch the world try to figure out how you did it.
    • yep...
      nightclubs, foamparties, wet shirts, high-heeled boots, miniskirts, too much make-up, getting totally wasted, puking in the bathroom.....

      Honestly, it';s bad enough if teens do that. But teenagers are weird and hormones make you do funny things.

      I'd hope though that from a certain age on people would behave more.... decent. :P

      Yeppers, 30+ people that behave like teenagers are ... odd, to say the least.
      And worst of all: middle-aged women in crop tops..... 8o