Watarrka National Park (Kings Canyon) - Buschfeuer-Situation 08.01.2013

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    • Watarrka National Park (Kings Canyon) - Buschfeuer-Situation 08.01.2013

      Diese Meldung hat uns gerade erreicht:

      Current situation
      Fires are burning around Kings Canyon itself and a little further to the east. Extreme weather including strong easterly winds are expected to fan the fire towards the canyon. The canyon access road from the Luritja Road is officially closed and visitors have been evacuated from the area. Other evacuations have occurred from around Lilla.

      Please note - the road in from the Mereenie Loop and the road past Kings Creek Station to the canyon has now been closed by Police.

      PWCNT advises that you should refrain from travelling in the area until the risk subsides. If you are in the area please take all direction from ranger or PFES staff.

      Gary Weir
      A/Regional Chief Ranger (Parks Central Australia-West)
      Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
      does nature say one thing
      and wisdom another