Frohe Weihnachten!

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    • Frohe Weihnachten!

      Ich wünsche allen Forumsmitgliedern ein schönes Weihnachtsfest, jeder so wie er es mag, besinnlich oder mit BBQ und Strand und ein gesundes, erfolgreiches und glückliches neues Jahr! Anne


      Australia the place to be


      "Lass dir helfen,sonst ertrinkst du",sagte der freundliche Affe,nahm den Fisch aus dem Wasser und setzte ihn in einen Baum.
    • RE: Frohe Weihnachten!


      :flagAuch von mir ein FROHES FEST und GUTEN RUTSCH!!! :flag

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Apfelpommes ()

    • Jo, da schliesst sich das alte "Teichkänguruh" doch mal an !!
      Seeya mate
      When I could see my name on the moon
      and show you the Southern Cross
      go swimming in the rain.........
    • da kann ich ja nicht zurückstehen:
      ich wünsche allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest.
      alles gute
      • a315[1].gif

        (15,09 kB, 113 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • I wish everyone around the world a joyous Christmas and a very happy new year! :)

      Beim Stöbern im Forum fand ich dieses passende Gedicht. Danke daluk :)

      'Twas the night before Christmas, there wasn't a sound.

      Not a possum was stirring, no-one was around.

      We'd left on the table some tucker and beer,

      Hoping that Santa Claus soon would be here.

      We children were snuggled up safe in our beds,

      While dreams of pavlova danced 'round in our heads.

      And Mum in her nightie, and Dad in his shorts,

      Had just settled down to watch TV sports.

      When outside the house a mad ruckus arose,

      Loud squeaking and banging woke us from our doze.

      We ran to the screen door, peeked cautiously out,

      snuck onto the deck, then let out a shout.

      Guess what had woken us up from our snooze,

      But a rusty old Ute pulled by eight mighty 'roos.

      The cheerful man driving was giggling with glee,

      And we both knew at once who this plump bloke must be.

      Now, I'm telling the truth it's all dinki-di,

      Those eight kangaroos fairly soared through the sky.

      Santa leaned out the window to pull at the reins,

      And encouraged the 'roos, by calling their names.

      'Now, Kylie! Now, Kirsty! Now, Shazza and Shane!

      On Kipper! On, Skipper! On, Bazza and Wayne!

      Park up on that water tank. Grab a quick drink,

      I'll scoot down the gum tree. Be back in a wink!'

      So up to the tank those eight kangaroos flew,

      With the Ute full of toys, and Santa Claus too.

      He slid down the gum tree and jumped to the ground,

      Then in through the window he sprang with a bound.

      He had bright sunburned cheeks and a milky white beard.

      A jolly old joker was how he appeared.

      He wore red stubby shorts and old thongs on his feet,

      And a hat of deep crimson as shade from the heat.

      His eyes - bright as opals - Oh! How they twinkled!

      And, like a goanna, his skin was quite wrinkled!

      His shirt was stretched over a round bulging belly

      Which shook when he moved, like a plate full of jelly.

      A fat stack of prezzies he flung from his back,

      And he looked like a swaggie unfastening his pack.

      He spoke not a word, but bent down on one knee,

      To position our goodies beneath the yule tree.

      Surfboard and footy-ball shapes for us two.

      And for Dad, tongs to use on the new barbecue.

      A mysterious package he left for our Mum,

      Then he turned and he winked and he held up his thumb;

      He strolled out on deck and his 'roos came on cue;

      Flung his sack in the back and prepared to shoot through.

      He bellowed out loud as they swooped past the gates-

      'MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and goodonya, MATES!'

      Author unknown
      You get what you think about!
    • Hallo ihr Lieben, wünsche euch allen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und nur das beste in 2015.

      PS: Ganz besonderes an unsere langjährige Foruma die ich schon EWIG hier lese und als Freunde-inen betrachte :) :) :). Lg. aus dem sonnigen Pfalz. Zlata
    • Frohes Fest gehabt zu haben allerseits, gereimt oder völlig in Prosa!

      In diesem Jahr haben wir Weihnachten 'auf der Strasse' verbracht, am Daly Waters Pub den 4. Advent unterm 'keg tree' gefeiert, den Heiligabend bei unseren Kollegen am Uluru, Weihnachten auf der Curtin Springs Station. Die West Macs haben uns mit angenehm kuehlen Temperaturen verwoehnt und die Fliegen waren im Urlaub.

      So kann's im naechsten Jahr weitergehn -- Frohes Neues!
      does nature say one thing
      and wisdom another
    • When the last Kalendersheets
      flattern through the winterstreets
      and Dezemberwind is blowing
      then ist everybody knowing
      that it is not allzuweit
      she does come the Weihnachtszeit

      All the Menschen, Leute, people
      flippen out of ihr warm Stüble
      run to Kaufhof, Aldi, Mess
      make Konsum and business,
      kaufen this und jene things
      and the churchturmglocke rings.

      Manche holen sich a Tännchen
      when this brennt they cry "Attention".
      Rufen for the Feuerwehr
      "Please come quick to löschen her!"
      Goes the Tännchen off in Rauch
      they are standing on the Schlauch.

      In the kitchen of the house
      mother makes the Christmasschmaus.
      She is working, schufts and bakes
      the hit is now her Joghurtkeks
      and the Opa says als Tester
      "We are killed bis to Silvester".
      Then he fills the last Glas wine-
      yes this is the christmastime!

      Day by day does so vergang
      and the holy night does come
      you can think, you can remember
      this is immer in Dezember.

      Then the childrenlein are coming
      candle-Wachs is abwärts running.
      Bing of Crosby Christmas sings
      while the Towerglocke rings
      and the angels look so fine
      well this is the Weihnachtstime.

      Baby-eyes are kugelrund
      the family feels kerngesund
      when unterm Weihnachtsbaum they're hocking
      then nothing can them ever shocking.
      They are happy, are so fine
      this happens in the christmastime.

      The animals all in the house
      the Hund, the Katz, the bird, the Maus,
      are turning round the Weihnachtsstress,
      enjoy this as never nie
      well they find Kitekat and Chappi
      in the Geschenkkarton of Papi.

      The family behins to sing
      and wieder does a Glöckchen ring.
      Zum Song vom grünen Tannenbaum
      the Tränen rennen down and down.
      bis our mother plötzlich flennt
      "The christmas-Gans im Ofen brennt!"
      Her nose indeed is very fine