Gippsland Lakes

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    • Gippsland Lakes

      wir planen grad unsere Route von Sydney nach Melbourne und würden gern einen Zwischenstop bei den Gippsland Lakes einlegen um die blau fluoreszierenden Seen zu sehen. Leider konnten wir keine Hinweise darauf finden, bei welchen Seen genau in der Gegend um Gippsland dieses Phänomen auftritt/wo genau man dafür hingehen muss. Tritt das Phänomen nur zu bestimmten Jahreszeiten auf? Hat jemand hierzu vielleicht Infos?
      Besten Dank schonmal im Voraus!
    • Hallo,

      ich bin dem Rat von daluk gefolgt und habe mich beim Nationalparkservice Victoria erkundigt. Hier die ausführliche Rückmeldung, die ich heute bekommen habe:
      This effect is caused by an abundance of the non-toxic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans. It produces bioluminescence which may be visible in disturbed water at night. Although non-toxic, this species also produces high levels of ammonia which can cause odours.It usually occurs in the warmer months (through to about April) and is periodic depending on the conditions (temperature, nutrients in the water column). It is best view on a very dark night (ie New moon). The pictures on the website are time lapse so give a more striking appearance then what you can actually see at night. That said, it is still worthwhile and very striking when there is an abundance of this algae present.It is impossible to give you an exact season or time of these occurrences, but as mentioned generally over the warmer months, on a dark night and in the eastern Gippsland lakes (ie Lake Victoria & Lake King). I was at Wattle Point about 2-3 weeks ago and it was present but only slightly luminescent.My best advice is to visit a site/s during the day and take note of street lighting and access, then return at around 10.00pm and take something to stir the water up with such as a stick or a few stones.Good luck.